Friday, August 31, 2007


Testicular Cancer and Cervical Cancer

Testicular cancer only occurs in men, because their testostorone level is much higher than a womens. Women can not get testicular cancer, and in men its rare. The scientists have yet to discover what exactly causes testicular cancer, whether its only genetic, or if it has to do with other things that men do on a regular basis, or trauma.
It is only really seen in white caucasion males from ages 25 to 45. Babies who are born with their testicals not dropped yet have a much higher chance of getting testicular cancer when they are older. Some certain virus's can make you more prone if you get them as a baby to get testicular cancer. There are two types of testicular cancer, seminomas, which are mostly seen in younger males, and teratomas, found in older men. You don't normally die from testicular cancer, because its one of the easiest forms to cure. You are treated via radiotherapy, and chemotherapy.

Birth Control Assignment
FCA's: 1) Completely describe the various methods of contraceptives discussed in class. 2) Using the pamphlets on how to discuss contraceptives with your parents and partner and write a response to both of these issues. 3) Write a response on what you think about who should be allowed to obtain contraceptives ( age related) and why.
There are many many ways to use effective birth control. Women can be put onto a monthly plan, using the pill, which is 92-99% effective. You can get progestin only pills, 92-99% effective. The patch, 92-99% effective. The ring, aka nuvaring, is 92-99% effective. There is an IUD which is 98-99% effective, and is inserted by a doctor, and is there to stay or up to 5 years. Threre is Emergency Contraceptive which is 75-89% effective, and can be used if the condom broke up to five days after intercourse and still be effective. Male Condoms are 85-98% effective while female condoms are 79-95% effective. The diaphram is 80-94% effective can last several years costs little may protect against infections. You can get an implant (Implanon) and the efficiency rate, is greater than 99%. That is intense. The last option for birth control is The Shot Deprovara, which is 97% effective, each shot lasting up to 12 weeks.

Talking about birth control with your parents and your partner can be nerve wracking and may start fights. You have to take it easy with both. Talking about it with your partner may sometimes be a little easier than with your parents, because face it, to them your still little. They cant grasp the fact that you may need to be put on birth control. Partners sometimes understand better because them, like you, do not want to have to worry about having another mouth to feed when they are still in high school.

I think that any age a girl is going to start having sex, especially when they walk around town in clothes that barely cover them. Face it, girls and boys are losing their virginity earlier and earlier. To prevent babies from coming into the world with a thirteen year old mother, I think that if a girl is sexually active, birth control should be available to them. Im not saying that 13 is acceptable at all, but there are many girls out there who are 13 and lost it early.

STI Assignment
FCA’s for this assignment is to include the following for each of the STI’s: 1) What is it? 2) How do you get it? 3) What are the symptoms? 4) How can you know for sure? 5)How is it treated? 6) What can happen if you don’t take care of it?

The first STI is Pubic Lice "crabs".
Crabs is a parasite that lives in and around your genitals. You get it by sexual contact or simply sharing the bed or clothes with someone effected with it. You will have severe itching, see lice/eggs in the pubes, small dots of blood in underwear. You can know for sure if you get a visual exam of the area. Crabs is treated by using special shampoo/lotion, wash all bedding/clothes, have others checked. If you don't take care of it, they may lead to a bacteria infection, may spread to other people, and the symptoms may get worse.

Chlamydia is an infection cause by bacteria, and you get it by sexual contact vagianl anal or oral, with someone who has chlamydia. Women don't tend to have symptoms, but can have pelvic pain, vaginal discharge, bleeding after intercourse. Men may have no symptoms, painful peeing, discharge from the penis. You can know for sure by a urine sample, or discharge sample sent to a lab. It is treated by antibiotics. If you don't take care of it, you can get sever infections of reproductive organs, infertility, can pass from mom to baby in childbirth, can spread infection to other sex partners.

Gonorrhea is an infection caused by bacteria, and you can get it by sexual contact with someone who has gonorrhea. Womens symptoms are the same as chlamydia including blood/pus from anus and sore throat. Men have the same as women. It is treated with antibiotics, and if you dont take care of it properly, it can cause PID or infertility. It can pass from mom to baby in birth, heart trouble skin issues and or arthritis. It can also spread to other sex partners.

Syphilis is an infection caused by bacteria and is treated with antibiotics, and possible hospitalization. The symptoms are painless sores on mouth, penis, vagina anus or elsewhere. You know for sure if you get a medical exam of the sores, and a blood test. If you dont take care of it, you get new sores rash fever hair loss body aches sore throat swollen glands.
At a stage three it does damage to the heart and brain, can cause PID, sever damage to fetus, or death. And can cause death in the person.

Virus that damages the bodys immune system. You get it by sexual contact with someone who has it, via body fluids. The symptoms are unexplained fever, chills, drenching, night sweats, unexplained weight loss, constant diarrhea, dry cough shortness of breath, constant fatigue, unexplained swollen glands, pink purple flat or raised blotches on or under skin, and persistent white spots in the mouth. You know for sure by a blood test or a sure test. It is treated by a mixture of medicines to try to fight the spread of infection and any illnesses.
If you dont take care of it, you develop a life threatening illness, mother can pass to child, and spread to sex/needle sharing partners.

Genital Herpes
Its an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus, and once infected with it, it stays in the body. Medication or cream may speed up healing of sores, or it may prevent future outbreaks. You get it by sexual contact, skin to skin contact, with someone who has it. Virus can be passed even if no sores are present. You get painful blisters that break into open sores, and they dry up and disappear within 5-21 days, and swollen glands. You know for sure if you get medical exams of the blisters, or blood test. If you dont take care of it, the sores will come and go normally with stress and/or illnesses. Can spread virus to sex partners even when sores not present, mother can pass to child in birth, and serious death or illness of child.

Genital Warts
Its an infection caused by Human Papilloma Virus, and once infected the virus stays in body; no known cure warts may be burned off frozen cut or removed with minor surgery. You get it by sexual or skin to skin contact with someone who has HPV. The virus can be passed without the warts visible. The symptoms include small painless cauliflower like bump that grows in and around the genital area. You might have a slight itching or irritation. You know for sure by a medical exam of the bumps, or a PAP test in women. If you dont take care of it, the warts grow larger, become harder to remove, or spread to new areas. HPV is leading cause of cervical cancer in women. It can be passed from mother to child in birth, and can spread the virus to other sex partners.


Smokeless tobacco is known as oral, snuff, chewing, snuff and spit tobacco. There are carcinogens, (cancer causing), and causes cancer in the mouth, and in the pancreas, with many other health problems. You can get gum disease, destruction of bone sockets around the teeth, and tooth loss, sometimes if you use it enough, you get bad breath, and your teeth get stained yellow. Snuff (dip, pinch) and is put between the gum and the cheek. If you have dry snuff, you can sniff or inhale it up your nose. Chewing loos leaves, plugs or twists, get absorbed into the saliva, and you get the nicotine that way.

There are multiple risks to smokeless tobacco. You can get oral cancer, pancreatic caner (which attacks your pancreas), addiction to nicotine, leukoplakia (white cancerous sores in the mouth), bone loss, and gum recession (peeling back of gums).

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention showed that adults, 18 and up, percentage of men who use it is 6%, and the percentage of women who use it is 1%. There are recent surveys though that 14% of high school boys and 2% of high school girls use chewing tobacco. The survey said that 2.9% of middle school students had used it within the past two days of taking that survey. There are many major league baseball players that use smokeless tobacco. Smokers who use smokeless tobacco instead of cigarettes still have a chance of getting lung cancer because the nicotine and tobacco still effect your lungs.

1 comment:

Jack Cohun said...

Missing STI project and don't forget to post the contraceptive assignment for 10/11.